As the pandemic hit the U.S., healthcare providers scrambled to keep up with care demands while grappling with expanding security concerns. The rise of telehealth, coupled with the sudden increase in working from home, meant that providers needed new means of accessing patient data while maintaining its privacy and security.

Read this HIMSS Spotlight Series: Cybersecurity article for insights into how the healthcare industry is implementing security requirements that work within the new definitions of normal, which includes heavy telework and telemedicine use. Learn about ransomware attacks during the pandemic, and review CISA’s best practices for preventing such attacks, including guidance on the implementation of VPNs.

Learn the rationale behind the zero-trust approach to security, which centers on strong authorization and access controls and multiple authentication methods. Tomer Levy, vice president of global research and development for Enterprise Imaging at Change Healthcare, weighs in on how COVID-19 has highlighted the missing elements in our healthcare security infrastructure—and offers ideas on what the future may hold.

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